When Judges Attack! Judge Rips Jury For Not Guilty Verdict
A judge could face disciplinary charges after castigating a jury. And this isn't even her first questionable act.
A judge could face disciplinary charges after castigating a jury. And this isn't even her first questionable act.
What got this prominent plaintiff-side lawyer into trouble? Hint: it's all about the benjamins....
Recent CounselLink upgrades integrate the full in-house workflow with the broader suite of LexisNexis products.
Every time we do a post about a crazy attorney website, our readers send in even more tips about the seemingly endless supply of wacky websites that are out there (which we appreciate, so keep 'em comin'). Rarely, however, do we get a tipster begging us to place a fellow attorney in Above the Law’s crosshairs. Until now: "Can you please, please profile this guy, Mark Davis from Toledo, Ohio?" Well, since you asked so nicely....
Wow. Guy goes to law school, guy racks up a huge amount of debt, guy has no idea how he’ll pay off his debts. Sound familiar? Okay, here’s the twist: the guy failed the “character and fitness” component of the Ohio bar because he has no plan to pay off his loans. What the hell […]
When weighing in on cases, it’s best for judges to limit their opinions to their Opinions. They’ve been warned before to be careful on Facebook and on blogs they author. But the case of Ohio judge, Shirley Strickland Saffold, shows they should exercise caution with anonymous online commentary as well. An online commenter named “lawmiss” […]